Objectives of formation of UPASI TRF
- To carry out and promote research and other scientific work connected with the cultivation, production and processing of tea and other related aspects as may be decided upon by the Foundation.
- To provide funds towards all or any of the objects of the Foundation.
- To accept grants of money and of land, buildings and equipment, donations, gifts, rights conferred, subscriptions and other assistance, with a view to promoting the objects of the Foundation, from the Government, the Tea Board, the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research and other public bodies, corporations, companies, associations or persons for the purpose of the Foundation, on such conditions as may be agreed to.
- To enter into any agreement with any Association or organization, Government, local authority, corporation, person, or any other body, for acquiring or taking over by way of lease, sub-lease, purchase, gift or otherwise, lands, buildings, fixtures, equipment, furniture, scientific records, experimental data, library and technical books, or properties movable or immovable of any kind, either tangible or intangible, or for giving aid or assistance on such terms and conditions as may be deemed expedient or reasonable for promoting the objects of the Association, and to construct, erect, alter, improve and maintain any building and to manage, develop, sell, let, mortgage, dispose off, turn to account or otherwise deal with all or part of the same and any property, or invention process or patent right.
- To borrow or raise any money that may be required by the Foundation upon such terms as may be deemed advisable and in particular and with the approval of the Tea Board and UPASI Executive Committee to secure the payment of any money borrowed, raised or owing, by the issue of debentures, bills of exchange, promissory notes, or other obligations or securities of the Association or mortgage or charge of all or any part of the property of the Foundation.
- To arrange for the registration and recognition of the Foundation and to pay all expenses, preliminary or incidental to the formation of the Foundation and its registration.
- To invest the funds of the Foundation not immediately required in any one or more of the modes of investment for the time being authorized by law for the investment of trust funds with full power to alter, vary or transfer such investments in accordance with the law for the time being in force.
- To undertake and execute any trusts which may be conductive to any of the objectives of the Foundation.
- To establish, support, or aid in the establishment and support of Foundations, Institutions, funds and trusts created to benefit employees or former employees of the Foundation or family or dependants of such persons, and to grant pension and/ or allowances to such persons.
- To constitute, maintain and control branches or centres of the Foundation in India and to modify or abolish the same.
- To employ the skilled workers and professional technical advisers and all the personnel necessary to carry out the objects of the Foundation and to pay therefore such remuneration as may be considered reasonable.
- To do all such other lawful things as may be incidental to or conductive to the attainment of the above objects.